Download the assignment description from the following link. To solve this assignment you need to load the data in this link. After you give it a try and conclude that you are in need of help, you can go ahead and download a Jupyter Notebook with the solution to this lab. If you are just perusing and do not intend to run the code, this is a static version of the notebook
Lab 1: Grade Point Average Prediction¶
In this Lab we are tasked with designing a system to make admission decisions at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn). In order to design this system we need to specify requirements, acquire data and create a model to substantiate our decisions.
1.B: Gradient Descent¶
0. Environment setup¶
We will first import the necessary Python Packages. We will use Numpy to load the data, pytorch to process it and matplotlib to plot and visualize results.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
Data Loading¶
data = torch.from_numpy(np.genfromtxt('Penn-GPA-and-HS-Data.csv', delimiter=",", skip_header=1, dtype = float))
print(f"Number of students: {data.shape[0]}")
print(f"Number of variables: {data.shape[1]}")
print(f"\nExample student: \nHigh-school GPA: {data[0, 1]} \t SAT score: {data[0, 2]}\t Penn GPA: {data[0, 4]}\t")
Number of students: 600 Number of variables: 5 Example student: High-school GPA: 3.95 SAT score: 1570.0 Penn GPA: 3.9
1. Empirical Risk Minimization¶
In Section 1A.2.4.2 we considered the least squares prediction of Penn GPAs based on high school GPAs and SAT scores. This is an example of a more general class of problems that are known as empirical risk minimization (ERM).
Consider a generic collection of $N$ data pairs $(x_i, y_i)$ along with predictions $\hat{y} = \Phi(x;w)$. In the function $\Phi(x;w)$ the variable $x$ is an input and $w$ is a parameter to be determined. We say that $\Phi(x;w)$ is a learning parameterization. The goal is to compare outputs $y_i$ with predictions $\hat{y}_i = \Phi(x_i;w)$ so as to find a suitable value of $w$. With this parameter value on hand we can then make predictions $\hat{y} = \Phi(x;w)$ for input variables $x$ for which the output $y$ has not been observed yet.
In order to find suitable values for $w$ we introduce a loss function $\ell(y,\hat{y})\geq0$ which we use to evaluate the cost of predicting $\hat{y}$ when the true value realized by the world is $y$. Given that we have $N$ data points $x_i$ for which the true output of the system is known to be $y_i$, we define the empirical risk associated with parameter $w$ as
\begin{equation}\label{eqn_er} r(w) ~=~ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \ell \big( y_i, \hat{y}_i \big) ~=~ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \ell \Big( y_i, \Phi(x_i; w) \Big) ~. \end{equation}
The empirical risk $r(w)$ measures the predictive power of coefficient $w$. The quantity $\ell ( y_i, \hat{y}_i )$ is always nonnegative and indicates how close the predicted output $\hat{y}_i$ is to the true output $y_i$. The empirical risk averages this metric over all available datapoints. It follows that a natural choice for $w$ is the value that makes the empirical risk smallest. We therefore define the optimal coefficient as the one that solves the following empirical risk minimization (ERM) problem \begin{equation}\label{eqn_erm} w^* ~=~ \text{argmin}_w r(w) ~=~ \text{argmin}_w \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \ell \Big( y_i, \Phi(x_i; w) \Big) ~. \end{equation}
Task: Show that the linear MMSE problem is an ERM problem.
2. Gradient Descent¶
To do Empirical Risk Minimization we use a gradient descent algorithm. Begin by taking the gradient of the empirical risk $r(w)$ with respect to the parameter $w$. If this parameter has $p$ components, i.e., if $w=[w_1; w_2; \ldots; w_p]$, the gradient of $r(w)$ is defined as
\begin{equation} g(w) ~:=~ \left[ \frac{\\\unicode{x2202} r(w)}{w_1}; \frac{\\\unicode{x2202} r(w)}{w_2}; \ldots; \frac{\\\unicode{x2202} r(w)}{w_p} \right]. \end{equation}
It is instructive to consider the first order Taylor’s expansion of the risk $r(w)$ around a given point $w_0$,
\begin{equation} r(w) ~:=~ r(w_0) + g^T(w) (w-w_0) + e(w) \end{equation}
where $e(w)$ denotes the expansion’s residual which is is of order $(w-w_0)^2$ if we assume the risk function $r(w)$ is sufficiently regular.
Taylor’s expansion of the risk is interesting because it shows that moving along the negative gradient can reduce the value of the risk. Indeed, let $\epsilon>0$ be a sufficiently small scalar and suppose that we start at $w_0$ and move to the point
\begin{equation} w = w_0 – \epsilon g(w). \end{equation}
Particularizing to the variable $w$ results in the epression
\begin{alignat}{3} r(w) &~:=~ r(w_0) ~+~ g^T(w) (- \epsilon g(w)) &&~+~ e(w) \nonumber\\ &~:=~ r(w_0) ~-~ \epsilon \|g(w)\|^2 &&~+~ e(w). \end{alignat}
The residual is of order $\epsilon^2$ and the squared gradient norm $\|\nabla^Tr(w)\|^2$ is nonnegative. Thus, as long as $\epsilon$ is sufficiently small we have that
\begin{alignat}{3} r(w) \leq r(w_0) \end{alignat}
This observation motivates the proposals of a recursive algorithm to find the minimum of the empirical risk function. In this algorithm we consider an iteration index $k$ at which point the parameter takes the value $w(k)$. The parameter is then updated by following the negative gradient so that the next iterate is
\begin{alignat}{3} w(k+1) = w(k) – \epsilon g(w(k)). \end{alignat}
Since this holds for all iterations $k$, subsequent iterates result in subsequent reductions of the empirical risk $r(w(k))$. This argument can be formalized to prove that under certain regularity assumptions on the empirical risk $w(k)$ converges to $w^*$. In practice, we set a total number of iterations $K$ and use $x(K)$ as an approximation for $w^*$
2.1 Gradient Descent for Linear MMSE¶
For the particular case of linear MMSE the objective to be minimized a quadratic cost. The gradient $g(w_k)$ is then given by the expression
\begin{equation}\label{eqn_mmse_gradient} g(w_k) ~=~ -\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_i \Big(\, y_i – w^T(k) x_i \,\Big) ~. \end{equation}
The gradient descent algorithm for this particular case is obtained by:
\begin{alignat}{3}\label{eqn_mmse_gradient_descent} w(k+1) ~=~ w(k) – \frac{\epsilon}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_i \Big(\, w^T(k) x_i – y_i \,\Big) ~. \end{alignat}
Task: Implement gradient descent for the data loaded in Task 1A.1. Plot the value of the empirical risk $r(w(k))$ as a function of the iteration index $k$.
The implementation is complicated by the fact that the range of GPA and SAT scores have vast differences. To reduce this complication we perform data normalization. This requires that we compute mean and variances. For the particular case of SAT scores these are given by
$$ \begin{equation} \bar{\text{SAT}} ~=~ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \text{SAT}_i , \qquad \text{var}(\text{SAT}) ~=~ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \Big(\,\text{SAT}_i – \bar{\text{SAT}}\,\Big)^2. \end{equation} $$
Normalized SAT scores for each individual student $i$ are then defined as
$$ \begin{equation} \tilde{\text{SAT}} ~=~ \Big(\, \text{SAT}_i – \bar{\text{SAT}} \,\Big) \bigg / \Big(\, \text{var}(\text{SAT}) \,\Big)^{1/2} . \end{equation} $$
The same normalization can be undertaken for high school and Penn GPAs. Implement this normalization and use this normalized data to implement gradient descent.
# Select the columns for each variable in the dataset
cols = [1, 2, 4]
data_cols = data[:, cols]
# Compute the mean and standard deviation of each variable.
means = torch.mean(data_cols, dim = 0)
stds = torch.std(data_cols, dim = 0)
# Substract the mean and divide by the std each variable.
data_norm = data.clone()
data_norm[:, cols] = (data_cols - means) / stds
# Save each column in a different variable
high_school_gpa_norm = data_norm[:,1]
sat_scores_norm = data_norm[:,2]
penn_gpa_norm = data_norm[:,4]
# Observe that the resulting variables have mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
print(f"Mean {torch.abs(torch.mean(high_school_gpa_norm)):.3f}")
print(f"Std {torch.std(high_school_gpa_norm):.3f}")
Mean 0.000 Std 1.000
Task (continued): Compute $w^*$ for this normalized data. Plot the value $\|w(k) -w^*\|^2$ of the distance between iterates $w(k)$ and the optimal parameter $w^*$. Notice that these plot is possible because we have access to the optimal argument $w^*$. This is not always the case.
This task requires that you try different values for the step sizes $\epsilon$ and the total number of iterations $K$.
# Functions that compute MSE and its gradient wrt w.
def mean_squared_error(y, y_pred):
Computes mean squared error between two tensors
y: torch Tensor
Target output
y_pred: torch Tensor
Predicted output
mse: torch Tensor
return torch.mean((y-y_pred)**2)
def mean_squared_error_gradient(y, x, w):
Computes the Gradient mean of squared error for a linear model,
given its target output, input and parameters.
y: torch Tensor
Target output
x: torch Tensor
Input data matrix
w: torch Tensor
Model parameters
gradient: torch Tensor
return -x.T@(y-x@w)/len(y)
def train_gradient_descent(x, y, K = 150, epsilon = 0.1, w0 = torch.rand(2)-0.5):
Linar MMSE with Gradient Descent.
x: torch Tensor
Input data matrix
y: torch Tensor
Target Values
K: int
Max. number of iterations.
epsilon: float
Learning rate.
w: torch Tensor
Trained parameters
mse_evolution: list
Evolution of mean squared error during training.
wdist_evolution: list
Evolution of distance between w and the optimal, closed-form w.
# lists that store the evolution of MSE and ||w-w_star ||^2
mse_evolution = []
wdist_evolution = []
# Initial w
w = w0.clone()
# Optimal parameter vector in closed form
# Recall, the '@' operator is for matrix multiplication
w_star = torch.linalg.inv(x.T @ x) @ x.T @ y
for k in range(K):
# Compute predictions
y_pred = x @ w
# Compute error
mse = mean_squared_error(y, y_pred)
# Compute gradients
grad = mean_squared_error_gradient(y, x, w)
# Update parameters
w -= epsilon*grad
wdist = torch.sum((w-w_star)**2)
return w, mse_evolution, wdist_evolution
# We use both the normalized HS GPA and the SAT scores
x = data_norm[:,cols[:2]]
# The targets are the normalized Penn GPA values
y = penn_gpa_norm
w0 = torch.rand(2)-0.5
epsilons = [0.03, 0.3, 1.142]
# Train gradient descent with different values of epsilon
for epsilon in epsilons:
w, mse_evolution, wdist_evolution = train_gradient_descent(x, y, K = 150, epsilon = epsilon, w0 = w0)
# Assign the plots to their respective figures
# Note: '_' on the LHS is a dummy variable that indicates we are not using the output of the function
_ = plt.plot(mse_evolution, "-")
_ = plt.plot(wdist_evolution, "-")
print(f"Learning rate: {epsilon:.2f}, MSE: {mse_evolution[-1]:.3f}, ||w-w*||^2: {wdist_evolution[-1]:.3f}")
_ = plt.title("Mean squared error evolution")
_ = plt.xlabel("Iteration")
_ = plt.ylabel("MSE")
plt.legend(epsilons, title = "Step Size")
_ = plt.title("||w-w*||^2 evolution")
_ = plt.xlabel("Iteration")
_ = plt.ylabel("||w-w*||^2")
plt.legend(epsilons, title = "Step Size")
Learning rate: 0.03, MSE: 0.405, ||w-w*||^2: 0.047 Learning rate: 0.30, MSE: 0.394, ||w-w*||^2: 0.000 Learning rate: 1.14, MSE: 1.007, ||w-w*||^2: 0.351
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x129184f50>
3. Stochastic Gradient Descent¶
The gradient of the linear MMSE cost is expressed as an average over dataset entries $(x_i, y_i)$. Indeed, to compute the gradient we evaluate $x_i (y_i – w^T(k) x_i)$ for each data pair $(x_i, y_i)$ and take the average. This is a feature that is common to all empirical risks.
This is true because the empirical risk itself is an average. If we consider the generic expression for $ r (w)$, the gradients of the empirical risk are given by
\begin{equation}\label{eqn_erm_gradient} g(w) ~=~ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \frac{\\\unicode{x2202}}{\\\unicode{x2202} w} \ell \Big( y_i, \Phi(x_i; w) \Big)~. \end{equation}
The gradient $g(w)$ is then an average of the gradients $\\\unicode{x2202}(\ell( y_i, \Phi(x_i; w))/\\\unicode{x2202} w$ that correspond to the evaluation of the loss $\ell( y_i, \Phi(x_i; w))$ at each individual data pair $(x_i, y_i)$.
That the gradient is expressed as an average implies that computing gradients of the empirical risk is expensive and unnecessary. It is expensive because we need to compute gradients of the loss associated with each individual data pair $(x_i, y_i)$. When the dataset is large, this is a considerable number of gradients that need to be computed. It is unnecessary because an average can be accurately approximated by considering a smaller number of samples. This average of gradients over a smaller number of samples is known as a stochastic gradient.
For a formal definition consider a random choice of $B$ entries of the dataset and define the stochastic gradient of the empirical risk as
\begin{equation}\label{eqn_erm_stochastic_gradient} \hat{g}(w) ~=~ \frac{1}{B} \sum_{i=1}^{B} \frac{\\\unicode{x2202}}{\\\unicode{x2202} w} \ell \Big( y_i, \Phi(x_i; w) \Big)~. \end{equation}
The expression is the same as before, except that instead of having a sum over the $N$ entries of the dataset we have a sum over $B$ randomly chosen entries. Although not required by its definition, the presumption is that $B \ll N$ and that, as a consequence, the computational cost of evaluating stochastic gradients is much smaller than the computational cost of evaluating full gradients.
We can use stochastic gradients in an iterative algorithm. Consider then an iteration index $k$ and a step size $\epsilon$. At iteration $k$ the parameter value $x(k)$ is updated according to the recursion
\begin{alignat}{3}\label{eqn_stochastic_gradient_descent} w(k+1) = w(k) – \epsilon \hat{g}(w(k)). \end{alignat}
Since we expect that stochastic gradients $\hat{g}(w(k))$ are close to the actual gradients $g(w(k))$ we expect stochastic gradient descent iteration to be similar to the gradient descent iteration.
Task : Implement the stochastic gradient descent algorithm on the normalized scholastic performance data. Plot the value of the empirical risk $r(w(k))$ as a function of the iteration index $k$.
This task requires that you try different values step sizes $\epsilon$ and batch sizes. The plots in Figure 3 show the empirical risk $r(w(k))$ as a function of the iteration index $k$ for different values of $\epsilon$ and $B$.
def train_stochastic_gradient_descent(x, y, K = 150, epsilon = 0.1, w0 = torch.rand(2)-0.5, B = 64):
Linar MMSE with Gradient Descent.
x: torch Tensor
Input data points
y: torch Tensor
Target Values
K: int
Max. number of iterations.
epsilon: float
Learning rate.
w0: torch Tensor
Initial parameter vector
B: int
Batch Size
w: torch Tensor
Trained parameters
mse_evolution: list
Evolution of mean squared error during training.
wdist_evolution: list
Evolution of distance between w and the optimal, closed-form w.
# lists that store the evolution of MSE and ||w-w_star ||^2
mse_evolution = []
wdist_evolution = []
# Initial w
w = w0.clone()
# Optimal parameter vector in closed form
w_star = torch.linalg.inv(x.T @ x) @ x.T @ y
for k in range(K):
# Randomly sample a batch from x and y.
random_idxs = torch.randint(high=x.shape[0], size = (B,) )
x_batch = x[random_idxs]
y_batch = y[random_idxs]
# Compute predictions
y_pred = x_batch@w
# Compute error
# Mean squared error in Batch
mse = mean_squared_error(y_batch, y_pred)
# Total Mean squared error
total_mse = mean_squared_error(y, x@w)
# Compute gradients
grad = mean_squared_error_gradient(y_batch, x_batch, w)
# Update parameters
w -= epsilon*grad
wdist = torch.sum((w-w_star)**2)
return w, mse_evolution, wdist_evolution
# Generate a random w0 vector with elements between [-0.5, 0.5)
w0 = torch.rand(2)-0.5
# Try selecting different epsilons and observe how the MSE evolves
epsilons = [0.03, 0.3, 1.1]
for epsilon in epsilons:
w, mse_evolution, wdist_evolution = train_stochastic_gradient_descent(x, y, K = 100, epsilon = epsilon, w0 = w0, B = 128)
_ = plt.plot(mse_evolution, "-")
print(f"Learning rate: {epsilon:.2f}, Final MSE: {mse_evolution[-1]:.3f}")
_ = plt.title("Mean squared error evolution")
_ = plt.xlabel("Iteration")
_ = plt.ylabel("MSE")
plt.legend(epsilons, title = "Step Size")
Learning rate: 0.03, Final MSE: 0.400 Learning rate: 0.30, Final MSE: 0.394 Learning rate: 1.10, Final MSE: 0.411
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1292f3150>
w0 = torch.rand(2)-0.5
batch_sizes = [8, 64, 512]
epsilon = 0.03
for B in batch_sizes:
w, mse_evolution, wdist_evolution = train_stochastic_gradient_descent(x, y, K = 100, epsilon = epsilon, w0 = w0, B = B)
_ = plt.plot(mse_evolution, "-")
print(f"Learning rate: {epsilon:.2f}, MSE: {mse_evolution[-1]:.3f}")
_ = plt.title("Mean squared error evolution")
_ = plt.xlabel("Iteration")
_ = plt.ylabel("MSE")
plt.legend(batch_sizes, title = "Batch Size")
Learning rate: 0.03, MSE: 0.394 Learning rate: 0.03, MSE: 0.394 Learning rate: 0.03, MSE: 0.394
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x129404f50>
3.1 Stochastic Gradient Descent¶
In the definition of the stochastic gradient, the entries in the batch are chosen randomly. Thus, we can consider the expected value of the stochastic gradient with respect to the choice of batch. This expectation can be written as \begin{alignat}{3} \mathbb{E}{\left[\hat{g}(w)\right]} = \mathbb{E}{\left[\frac{1}{B} \sum_{i=1}^{B} \frac{\\\unicode{x2202}}{\\\unicode{x2202} w} \ell \Big( y_i, \Phi(x_i; w) \Big)\right]} = \frac{1}{B} \sum_{i=1}^{B} \mathbb{E}{\left[\frac{\\\unicode{x2202}}{\\\unicode{x2202} w} \ell \Big( y_i, \Phi(x_i; w) \Big)\right]} , \end{alignat} where in the second equality we exchanged the expectation and summation operation. Observe now that, by definition, the expectation of the derivative of the loss is the average of the derivatives of the loss over all data pairs, \begin{alignat}{3} \mathbb{E}{\left[\frac{\\\unicode{x2202}}{\\\unicode{x2202} w} \ell \Big( y_i, \Phi(x_i; w) \Big)\right]} ~=~ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \frac{\\\unicode{x2202}}{\\\unicode{x2202} w} \ell \Big( y_i, \Phi(x_i; w) \Big) . \end{alignat} If we compare the expectation of the derivative with the gradient calculated earlier we see that this is precisely the gradient of the empirical risk, \begin{alignat}{3} \mathbb{E}{\left[\frac{\\\unicode{x2202}}{\\\unicode{x2202} w} \ell \Big( y_i, \Phi(x_i; w) \Big)\right]} ~=~ g(w) . \end{alignat}
Substituting the expectation of the derivative into the equation below and simplifying terms we conclude that the expected value of the stochastic gradient is the gradient itself,
\begin{alignat}{3} \mathbb{E}{\left[\hat{g}(w)\right]} ~=~ \sum_{i=1}^{B} g(w) ~=~ g(w) ~. \end{alignat}
This fact gives an alternative explanation of the stochastic gradient algorithm. Having $\mathbb{E}{\left[\hat{g}(w)\right]}=g(w)$ means that, on average, stochastic gradients point in the direction of the gradient. Thus, the stochastic gradient descent iteration is, on average, moving iterates in a direction that reduces the value of the empirical risk. It may be that at some iteration the stochastic gradient takes us in the wrong direction. This does happen. As we see in the last couple of plots, the empirical risk grows in several iterations. However, in expectation, the stochastic gradient is pointing in the right direction. Therefore, more often than not, we see reductions in the value of the empirical risk. This is why the general trend in the last plot is a reduction of the empirical risk. Even though the empirical risk may randomly increase at several iteration indexes.
It is important to be aware of $\mathbb{E}{\left[\hat{g}(w)\right]}=\sum_{i=1}^{B} g(w)= g(w)$, because its validity is the actual explanation of why stochastic gradient descent works. In particular, observe that this is true for any value of $B$, including $B=1$. In this case the stochastic gradient is simply
$$ \begin{equation} \hat{g}(w) ~=~ \frac{\\\unicode{x2202}}{\\\unicode{x2202} w} \ell \Big( y_i, \Phi(x_i; w) \Big)~. \end{equation} $$
In this case we can’t argue that $\hat{g}(w)$ is close to $g(w)$ but we can still argue that $\mathbb{E}{\hat{g}(w)}=g(w)$. It is possible to prove that an implementation of stochastic gradient descent with individual samples converges to the optimal argument $w^*$. This fact can also be verified numerically.