Lab 4A: Image Processing

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Lab 4 Image processing

Images are mathematically modeled as functions of two variables. These variables represent the vertical coordinate $m$ and the horizontal coordinate $n$. These variables can be discrete or continuous but we will consider them here to be discrete. In this case the coordinate pair $(m, n)$ is called a pixel. We restrict each pixel coordinate to be between 0 and $N-1$. We use $\mathbf{X}$ to denote the image and and $x(m, n)$ to represent the value at pixel $(m, n)$. Pixels of an image are arranged in a matrix, $$ \mathbf{X}=\left(\begin{array}{cccccc} x(0,0) & x(0,1) & \cdots & x(0, n) & \cdots & x(0, N) \\ x(1,0) & x(1,1) & \cdots & x(1, n) & \cdots & x(1, N) \\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots & & \vdots \\ x(m, 0) & x(m, 1) & \cdots & x(m, n) & \cdots & x(m, N) \\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots & & \vdots \\ x(N, 0) & x(N, 1) & \cdots & x(N, n) & \cdots & x(N, N) \end{array}\right) $$ Thus, an image $\mathbf{X}$ is a matrix in which entries $x(m, n)$ represent pixel values.

The interpretation of this matrix is that pixel values $x(m, n)$ represent the luminance of the pixel. The luminance is how much light is reflected by the pixel.

Handwritten Digits

In this lab we work with black and white images that represent handwritten digits. In Figure 1 we show an image of a handwritten number 1 and a handwritten number 3 . The dataset we are given contains pairs $\left(\mathbf{X}_q, y_q\right)$ of images $\mathbf{X}_q$ and human annotations $y_q$ that identify the correct digits.

Task 1:

Load the data and visualize three images.


In [ ]:
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import time

Loading the Data

We will use torchvision's MNIST dataset class to download the data.

In [ ]:
# Image normalization
# Converts the image into a tesor and normalizes to acheive a mean of 0 and variance of 1
transform = transforms.Compose([
        transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,))

# Download MNIST train and test set and normalize images
train_set = datasets.MNIST('./data', train=True, download=True, transform=transform)
test_set = datasets.MNIST('./data', train=False, download=True, transform=transform)

# Define train and test dataloaders, used to get batches sequentially
train_loader =, batch_size=128)
test_loader =, batch_size=1024)

Visualize Images

In [ ]:
# Sample Visualization
img_index = 20
image = train_set[img_index][0].squeeze()
plt.imshow(image, cmap = 'binary_r')
plt.title(f"Label: {train_set[img_index][1]}")
print(f"Image size {image.shape} \n")
Image size torch.Size([28, 28]) 

Shifts in Space

Before defining convolutions to process images we have to introduce vertical and horizontal shift operators. We name these operators $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{v}}$ and $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{H}}$ and define them as the operators whose action on an image $\mathbf{X}$ results in a shifting of vertical and horizontal coordinates, respectively. Thus, if applying the vertical shift $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{v}}$ to the image $\mathbf{X}$ yields the image $\mathbf{U}_{10}=\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{v}} \mathbf{X}$, the entries $u_{10}(m, n)$ of the vertically shifted image $\mathbf{U}_{10}$ are $$ u_{10}(m, n)=x(m-1, n), \text { when } \mathbf{U}_{10}=\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{v}} \mathbf{X} $$ Likewise if applying the vertical shift $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{H}}$ to the image $\mathbf{X}$ yields the image $\mathbf{U}_{01}=\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{v}} \mathbf{X}$, the entries $u_{01}(m, n)$ of the horizontally shifted image $\mathbf{U}_{01}$ are $$ u_{01}(m, n)=x(m, n-1), \quad \text { when } \mathbf{U}_{01}=\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{H}} \mathbf{X} $$

Shift Compositions and Spatial Shift Sequences

As in the case of time signals, image shifts can be composed. We can compose any number of vertical shifts with any number of horizontal shifts. This results in the definition of the spatial shift sequence composed of images $$ \mathbf{U}_{k l}=\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{v}}^k \mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{H}}^l \mathbf{X} . $$

This is an image in which the entries are $u_{k l}(m, n)=x(m-k, n-l)$. That is, the image $\mathbf{U}_{k l}$ is one in which the pixels are shifted $k$ pixels down and $l$ pixels to the right.

It is important to note that the spatial shift sequence in (10) can be computed recursively. To do that we need to define the vertical and horizontal recursions $$ \mathbf{U}_{k l}=\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{v}} \mathbf{U}_{(k-1) l}, \quad \mathbf{U}_{k l}=\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{H}} \mathbf{U}_{k(l-1)}, $$ with the initial condition $\mathbf{U}_{00}=\mathbf{X}$. Recursive computation of the spatial diffusion sequence is important in practical implementations.

Negative shifts

A negative vertical shift is a shift that moves the pixels up. We denote this shift by $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{v}}^{-1}$ and define it as the shift that when acting on the image $\mathbf{X}$ yields the image $\mathbf{U}_{(-1) 0}=\mathcal{S}_v^{-1} \mathbf{X}$ whose entries are given by $$ u_{(-1) 0}(m, n)=x(m+1, n), \quad \text { when } \mathbf{U}_{(-1) 0}=\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{v}}^{-1} \mathbf{X} . $$ In this definition we adopt the convention that $x(N+1, n)=0$. This means that when applying the negative shift $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{v}}^{-1}$ we fill the last row of $\mathbf{U}_{(-1) 0}$ with zeros. This is because there are no entries of $\mathbf{X}$ that can be shifted into this row.

Likewise a negative horizontal shift is a shift that moves the pixels left. We denote this shift by $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{H}}^{-1}$ and define it as the shift that when acting on the image $\mathbf{X}$ yields the image $\mathbf{U}_{0(-1)}=\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{H}}^{-1} \mathbf{X}$ whose entries are given by $$ u_{0(-1)}(m, n)=x(m, n+1) \text {, when } \mathbf{U}_{0(-1) 0}=\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{H}}^{-1} \mathbf{X} . $$ In this definition we adopt the convention that $x(m, N+1)=0$. This means that when applying the negative shift $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{H}}^{-1}$ we fill the last column of $\mathbf{U}_{(-1) 0}$ with zeros. This is because there are no entries of $\mathbf{X}$ that can be shifted into this column.

As is the case of the positive shifts $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{v}}$ and $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{H}}$, the negative shifts $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{V}}^{-1}$ and $\mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{H}}^{-1}$ can be composed.

Convolutions in space

A spatial convolution is a linear combination of the components of the spatial diffusion sequence in (14). For a formal definition we consider a filter range $K$ and define filter coefficients $h_{k l}$ for $k$ and $l$ ranging from $-K$ to $K$. The outcome of applying the filter with coefficients $h_{k l}$ to the image $\mathbf{X}$ is the image $$ \mathbf{Y}=\sum_{k=-K}^K \sum_{l=-K}^K h_{k l} \mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{v}}^k \mathcal{S}_{\mathrm{H}}^l \mathbf{X} . $$ Observe that in this definition we allow for positive and negative shifts. For simplicity we assume that the maximum number of shifts in either direction is the same. They can be made different, but it is standard practice to keep them equal.

We note that the total number of filter coefficients of a two dimensional convolution is $(2 K+1)^2$. These coefficients are arranged in a matrix $\mathbf{H}$.

Task 2A

Write a function that takes an image $\mathbf{X}$ and a filter $\mathbf{H}$ as an input and returns as an output the result of convolving the mage with the filter.

In [ ]:
def conv2D(image, filters):
    Performs 2D convolution on the given image with the given filters.
        image (torch.Tensor): input image of shape (height, width).
        filters (torch.Tensor): filters of shape (num_filters, filter_size, filter_size).
                            where filter_size is 2*K+1

        torch.Tensor: convolved image of shape (num_kernels, height, width).
    # We are assuming square filters. The true size is filter_size^2
    num_filters, filter_size, _ = filters.shape
    y, x = image.shape
    K = (filter_size-1)//2

    # Add zero padding around the border of the image.
    # This is needed to prevent the filter from "hanging off the edge" of the image
    # when we are performing convolutions along the edge pixels.
    # Adding this padding allows us to write simpler code without having to explictly handle this edge case.
    y_pad = y + filter_size - 1
    x_pad = x + filter_size - 1

    # Initialize padded image
    result = torch.zeros((num_filters, y_pad, x_pad))
    result[:, K:y_pad-K, K:x_pad-K] = image

    # Initialize output
    output = torch.zeros((num_filters, y, x))
    # Iterate over the kernels (filters are often referred to as "kernels")
    for idx in range(num_filters):
        filt = filters[idx]
        # Iterate over the kernel entries (these are the filter taps AKA the parameters we are learning)
        for k in range(-K, K+1):
            for l in range(-K, K+1):
                # Shift the image vertically and then horizontally
                rolled_image = torch.roll(torch.roll(result[idx], -k, dims=0), -l, dims=1)
                # Multiply the kernel with the rolled image and sum the result
                output[idx] += rolled_image[K: K+y, K: K+x] * filt[k+K, l+K]

    return output

Task 2B

Define a FilterBank class that inherits from nn.module. It stores filter parameters as an attribute and its forward method will compute the convolution of a batch of input images.

In [ ]:
class FilterBank(nn.Module):
    A filter bank
        num_filters (Int): The number of filters in the bank (these filters are in parallel!)
        K (Int): Defines the size of each filter in the bank. The true size is (2K+1)^2. 
                    Recall that we sweep from -K to K. So if K is 1, each filter in our bank is a 3x3 grid.
                    The filter is assumed to be square.
    def __init__(self,  num_filters, K):
        super(FilterBank, self).__init__()

        # L is the number of pixels in each dimension (For the example above L = (1) * 2 + 1 = 3 and each filter is LxL = 3x3)
        L = K*2+1

        # The number of filters in the bank determines the number of output channels AKA output features
        self.num_filters = num_filters
        self.filters = torch.zeros((num_filters, L, L))

    def forward(self, x):

        # b is the batch size, h is the image height (y) and w is the image width (x)
        b, h, w = x.shape

        # For each image in the batch, we run our filter bank over the image and each filter in the bank produces 1 image (output feature).
        # These images at the output are all in parallel and have the same dimensions as the input image.
        out = torch.zeros((b, self.num_filters, h, w))

        # Compute the convolution for each image in the batch and fill up the output tensor.
        for i, img in enumerate(x):
            out[i] = conv2D(img, self.filters)

        return out

Task 3

Define filters H with entries $h_{kl} = 1/(2K + 1)^2$ Use the class in Task 2 to instantiate these filters with K = 2, K = 4, and K = 8. Apply these filters to the images you visualized in Task 1.

What is the effect of applying these filters?

In [ ]:
# Take any sample image
img = train_set[0][0]

# Plot an original image (no convolution) to compare against
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,4, figsize=(14,3.5))
ax[0].imshow(img.squeeze(), cmap = 'binary_r')
ax[0].set_title("Original image")

K_vals = [2,4,8]

for i, K in enumerate(K_vals):
   # Instantiate Filter Bank with one filter (single output channel)
    filt = FilterBank(num_filters = 1, K = K)
    # Instantiate each filter in the bank with a set of uniform values
    # (Later on, these filter values will be learned)
    filt.filters = torch.ones((1, 2*K+1, 2*K+1))*(1/(2*K+1)**2)
    # Perform 2D convolution
    out = filt(img)
    # Plot the convolved image for each K
    ax[i+1].imshow(out.squeeze(), cmap = 'binary_r')
    ax[i+1].set_title(f"Covolved image with K={K}")

Task 4

Pytorch comes with its own function for computing two dimensional convolutions. Consider the same filters of Task 3 with K = 8. Execute your own convolution code and the code that comes built in Pytorch to compute convolutions for a batch of B = 100 images. Compare the execution times.

In [ ]:
# Grab batch of 100 images from the dataset
imgs = next(iter(train_loader))[0][:100]

# Perform convolution with function from torch
K = 8
conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels = 1, out_channels = 1, kernel_size = 2*K+1, padding = 'same', bias = False)
# Time convolution
start = time.time()
out = conv(imgs)
end = time.time()

print(f"PyTorch's Convolution took: {end-start:.3f} seconds")

# Perform convolution with your function
filterbank = FilterBank(num_filters = 1, K = 8)
# Initialize filters with the torch initialization
filterbank.filters = conv.weight.squeeze(0)

start = time.time()
out_manual = filterbank(imgs.squeeze())
end = time.time()
print(f"Manual Convolution took: {end-start:.3f} seconds")

# Check that outputs match
print(f"Manual convolution and torch convolution output the same tensor: {torch.allclose(out_manual, out, atol = 1e-5)}")
PyTorch's Convolution took: 0.005 seconds
Manual Convolution took: 1.355 seconds
Manual convolution and torch convolution output the same tensor: True

In solving Task 4 you must have noticed that the Pytorch code is much faster. This is because the Pytorch convolution function is just a wrapper that calls a compiled subroutine written in C. If this were the 1990’s we would say that “true men code in C,” which was indeed a quip that was common in the 1990’s. Lucky for us all we live in a time when we do not require men to be tough, nor women to stay away from engineering, nor persons to define themselves as either men or women. So let us just remember that industry level data sciences still relies on low level languages. Python and Pytorch are prototyping languages. We will use the Pytorch convolution function in the remainder of Lab 4.

Task 5

Create a filterbank class. In this class the filter coefficients $H_g$ the matrix A are attributes. The class has a method that takes an image X as an input and implements the filterbank equations in (17) - (19). The method returns the vector of scores x2 as an output.

In [ ]:
class FilterBank(nn.Module):
    A filter bank. This class is very similar to the one in the previous task, however now we are using torch's built in convolution functions.
        num_filters (Int): The number of filters in the bank (these filters are in parallel!)
        K (Int): Defines the size of each filter in the bank. The true size is (2K+1)^2. 
                    Recall that we sweep from -K to K. So if K is 1, each filter in our bank is a 3x3 grid.
                    The filter is assumed to be square.
    def __init__(self, num_filters, K):
        super(FilterBank, self).__init__()

        # In the MNIST dataset each class corresponds to a digit
        num_classes = 10
        # Filter Bank with num_filter filters and num_taps taps
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels = 1, out_channels = num_filters, kernel_size = 2*K+1, stride = 1, padding = 'same')
        # Linear layer. This layer takes our num_filters number of output channels and transforms it into an output with dimension num_classes
        self.linear = nn.Linear(num_filters, num_classes)

    def forward(self, x):
        # Pass through filter bank
        x = self.conv1(x)
        # Compute energy of each output feature
        # Notice that this condenses filter bank output into a vector of shape (b, num_filters)
        x = torch.sum( x**2, dim=(2,3) )
        # Linear map between feature energies and class scores
        x = self.linear(x)
        return x

Task 6

Task 6 Split the handwritten digit dataset into train and test sets. Instantiate the class of Task 5 to train a filterbank that classifies images to the corresponding digit class. Use the crossentropy loss as the optimization objective.

In [ ]:
# Instatiate model
model = FilterBank(num_filters = 30, K = 1)

# Instantiate SGD optimizer
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.0001)

# Instantiate cross entropy loss
cross_entropy = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()


In [ ]:
# Set model in training mode

loss_evol = []

# Number of through the entire training set
num_epochs = 10

for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    loss_epoch = 0.
    acc_epoch = 0.

    for data, target in train_loader:
        # Clear gradients of previous batch
        # Compute batch predictions
        output = model(data)
        # Compute loss
        loss = cross_entropy(output, target)
        # Compute gradients of loss w respect to current params
        # Update params using SGD

        # Accumulate batch losses
        loss_epoch += loss.item()

        # Accumulate correct predictions, highest score is predicted class.
        pred = output.argmax(dim=-1)
        acc_epoch += torch.sum(pred == target)

    # Print metrics 
    print(f"Epoch: {epoch} \t Loss: {loss_epoch/len(train_loader):.3f} \t Acc: {acc_epoch*100/len(train_loader.dataset):.2f}")
Epoch: 0 	 Loss: 15.723 	 Acc: 29.94
Epoch: 1 	 Loss: 3.251 	 Acc: 39.87
Epoch: 2 	 Loss: 2.301 	 Acc: 43.16
Epoch: 3 	 Loss: 1.909 	 Acc: 45.64
Epoch: 4 	 Loss: 1.714 	 Acc: 47.05
Epoch: 5 	 Loss: 1.583 	 Acc: 48.52
Epoch: 6 	 Loss: 1.495 	 Acc: 49.60
Epoch: 7 	 Loss: 1.434 	 Acc: 50.52
Epoch: 8 	 Loss: 1.392 	 Acc: 51.30
Epoch: 9 	 Loss: 1.362 	 Acc: 51.71
In [ ]:
plt.title("Cross entropy evolution")
Out[ ]:
Text(0.5, 0, 'Epoch')
In [ ]: